Star wars battlefront 2 original mods
Star wars battlefront 2 original mods

star wars battlefront 2 original mods

While EA thinks about that (”don’t hold your breath,” says my Force-powered 8 ball), 2005’s Battlefront 2 still hosts a small but fiercely dedicated community and a legion of intricate mods. A smooth launch and low bug count wouldn’t hurt, but hey, we’re PC gamers-let’s toss modding support right on top of the pile.

star wars battlefront 2 original mods

Ten years has been quite the wait.īeyond jetpacking Rebel rocket troopers and anti-aliased Endor tree bark lies a fleet of expectations. There's still months to go before DICE’s Frostbitten reboot of grand-scale Star Wars-fare hits monitors, but the (carefully choreographed) bits seen so far are exciting stirrings of trading hot laser, lightsaber, and explodey death in both familiar and new worlds.

Star wars battlefront 2 original mods